

Wed May 29 2024

Welcome to my blog!

This is a space where I'll be talking about all sorts of interesting stuff: mostly programming, but also more general sciency stuff, video games... If I find it worthy of talking about, I will!

My promise to you is to try to have the highest ratio of cool/line that I can: no padding out articles just to fit in some arbitrary format, no AI generated nonsense... But I might still do detours if they're worth it :)

Who even are you?

I'm Pierre Avital! A Frenchman with PhD in Signal Processing (my advisors still wonder why I didn't go for computer science). I've spent most of my carrier doing software engineering, with a large part of that in Rust, which has been my go-to since 2018.

I've notably worked on Zenoh and Ditto, and am the author of stabby. I've given a few talks which I'll summarize in future posts, published a few papers... The usual nerd stuff

I hope you enjoy my future ramblings! I've never actually used it, but I'll try to make an RSS feed for you RSS stans, I know y'all still exist


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